Health benefits of Vitex

Agnus castus

Chasteberry, also called vitex, is a small, brown berry with a long history as part of herbal medicine. It’s one of the most popular and effective herbal remedies for PMS symptoms. Chasteberry health benefits include relief from cramps, irregular periods and menopausal mood swings. Studies have shown that vitex has a positive effect on hormonal health. Vitex health benefits include hormonal balance, which can be a helpful natural treatment for both women and men.

Vitex tree picture

1. Reduces Uterine Fibroids

Vitex health benefits include the ability to reduce uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous tumors that form in the uterine walls. Uterine fibroids cause a change in the size or shape of the uterus, which can lead to several unwanted symptoms. Chasteberry can help balance hormone levels to prevent uterine fibroids.

2. Improves Female Fertility

Studies have shown that vitex health benefits include the ability to improve fertility in women. In a three-month trial, 48 women ages 23-39 who were diagnosed with infertility took chasteberry once a day for three months. Seven women become pregnant, while 25 women experienced normalized progesterone levels, which increases the chances for pregnancy.

3. Relieves PMS Symptoms

Vitex health benefits include relief from PMS symptoms. It’s considered to be one of the top herbal remedies for natural PMS relief. Vitex works by suppressing the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland. Studies have shown that chasteberry health benefits also include reduced breast tenderness, reduced headache and improved mood.

4. Clears Acne

Vitex health benefits include the ability to heal hormonal acne. Acne, especially along the chin and jawline, can be caused by hormone imbalances and fluctuations. Chasteberry health benefits include the ability to regulate hormones, which can result in less acne formation.

5. May Treat Endometriosis

Vitex health benefits include the ability to help treat endometriosis, a painful disorder that occurs when tissue grows outside of the uterus. While the cause of endometriosis isn’t exactly known, chasteberry can help balance hormones to reduce pain and possibly treat endometriosis when taken long-term.

6. Helps Cure Amenorrhea

Chasteberry health benefits include the ability to help heal amenorrhea, a condition in which a woman’s menstrual cycle stop suddenly. Amenorrhea can be caused be several different factors, including too much prolactin in the body. Vitex health benefits include the ability to reduce prolactin, in order to maintain a healthy balance of estrogen and progesterone.

7. May Promote Lactation

Vitex health benefits include the ability to promote lactation in nursing mothers. Studies have shown that supplementing with vitex can help increase breast milk in mothers with and without pregnancy complications. It works by promoting the flow of breastmilk. Check with your doctor before taking chasteberry to promote lactation.

8. Lowers Menopause Symptoms

Vitex health benefits include the ability to reduce menopause symptoms. A 2007 study published in Gynecological Endocrinology found that a chasteberry herbal supplement was able to provide safe and effective relief from hot flashes and sleep disturbances in women who were pre- and post-menopausal.

9. Treats Enlarged Prostate

Vitex health benefits include the ability naturally treat enlarged prostate. A 2005 study conducted by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology found that vitex extracts were useful in the prevention and treatment of enlarged prostate, as well as prostate cancer. Vitex contains compounds that are able to inhibit proliferation and effectively kill prostate cancer cells.

Vitex agnus-castus is typically considered safe.

Researchers report that 30–40 mg of dried fruit extracts, 3–6 grams of dried herb, or 1 gram of dried fruit per day appear safe

Reported side effects tend to be minor and include

  • nausea
  • upset stomach
  • mild skin rash
  • increased acne
  • headache
  • heavy menstrual flow

However, pregnant and nursing women should avoid vitex, as its effects on babies haven’t been well-studied

Researchers also believe that vitex may interact with:

  • antipsychotic medications
  • birth control pills
  • hormone replacement therapy

Therefore, you may want to discuss vitex with your doctor before taking it

Vitex tree picture Arrow picture Vitex bottle 
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